Amber Crescent
Mild paranormal activity has been reported at one property in Amber Crescent, including footsteps being heard upstairs and an oppressive atmosphere throughout the house.
Boythorpe Crescent
The infamous Pottery Cottage murderer Billy Hughes lived in an even numbered property near the junction with Boythorpe Road until the summer of 1976, when he was taken to prison awaiting trial for a sexual assault at Queen's Park. Following his escape from a police taxi on 12 January 1977 on the way to court in Chesterfield, he murdered four people at Pottery Cottage (now Northend Farm), Eastmoor before being shot dead by Derbyshire Police two days later in Rainow, following a car chase.
It was alleged by a member of the now lost Chesterfield Forum that the property was haunted, with a threatening deep male voice being heard from an upstairs bedroom, along with an oppressive atmosphere.
Boythorpe Road
A property near the junction of Park Road was believed to be haunted, with the owner reporting finding books strewn around the attic on a few occasions in the early 2010s and other similar disturbances at night. An investigation revealed no issues with bats or other species.
Bramshill Rise
The residents of a property on Bramshill Rise have reported an unsettling atmosphere on the upstairs landing and have heard unusual tapping noises coming from the landing when they are downstairs.
Central Avenue
About twenty years ago, an elderly lady who lived on Central Drive used to play with an Ouija board, before she passed away. When a young family moved into the property afterwards, they reported an uncomfortable atmosphere and mild poltergeist activity upstairs.
Ling Road
Residents of separate properties two doors apart from each other on this street have reported similar phenomena occurring in the living room. Pets have been known to gaze at the ceiling and their eyes slowly follow something around the perimeter of the room, although this could just be an insect. However, in one of the properties in 1985, a girl heard her name being called from upstairs when she was alone in the house.
Park Hall Avenue
Whenever the residents of one property on Park Hall Avenue returned home, they would find all the pictures in a glass cabinet in the front room turned around to face the wall, so they could only see the backs of the frames. Frightened, they researched the history of the property and discovered that the house was built on the site of a large tree where a child had been hanged. They quickly moved house, and until the late 2000s, the property would pop up on the market frequently - around every one or two years.
Walton Estate
In the early 1980s, a resident of a property in Walton acquired a second hand wardrobe from an antique dealer and placed it in their daughter's bedroom. Soon after, strange knockings would be heard coming from the wardrobe and a foreboding atmosphere would be experienced. The resident contacted the antique dealer and found it had been purchased from a garage sale at the infamous Pottery Cottage - where four people were murdered by an escaped prisoner in 1977. The resident immediately had the wardrobe destroyed.
Walton Hospital
The following report is from Strange North East Derbyshire
At Walton Hospital, now used as a geriatric hospital but used as a TB sanatorium in the 1930s / 1940s, apparitions of ladies passing from ward to ward have been seen and a ghost named ‘Charlie’ has often been seen. In Barwise Ward, phantom footsteps have been heard and bells have rung from empty beds where the former occupants have only recently died.
One male patient, whilst standing at the washbasin and despite being deaf, heard a voice saying "You’re going to be all right." Turning round to see who it was, he saw a nurse in old-fashioned clothing, including apron and starched hat. The image immediately disappeared. One of the staff implied that this sighting was a regular occurrence.
Walton Peak Flying High Academy
When the school was known as Whitecotes Primary School, the then Year 5 toilets, closest to the junior playground, were supposedly haunted. Students and a staff member reported hearing tapping on walls and faint chatting in 2013 when no one else was in the area. In June 2013, a teacher's laptop vanished from a nearby classroom. Police investigated, but there were no visitors to the school that day and all the children and staff were present in a whole school assembly.
Westbrook Drive
During renovation work, one resident of a property on Westbrook Drive at Brookside investigated the upstairs landing after workmen reported an apparition of an elderly man and refused to work there. She discovered that the man had built the house, so spoke politely on the landing, informing the spirit that they loved the house and meant him no harm. There have been no reports of the apparition ever since.