Uppertown &
Darley Moor
The B5057 near Darwin Forest Country Park has been the site of several unusual sightings, where drivers have observed numerous glowing spheres hovering above the road behind their car. Sometimes the lights have bounced on their bonnet, following them along the road for a period of time, before the spheres speed off into the night.
Cullumbell Lane
At around 2am on Sunday 7 May 1978, a couple was driving home to Chesterfield following a visit to family at Uppertown. As they drove along Cullumbell Lane, they suddenly became aware of an unusual light coming from within a barn at Dry Hurst Farm, several fields away. A collector used to call round at farms late at night to collect milk, so they thought it was just him, even though the light was brighter than most vehicle headlights. Just as they approached Buntingfield Lane, three beams of brilliant light, described as being 'brighter than daylight', shone down from a disc shaped craft, which was hovering above the field to the right of the car. As they passed the lane, the lights shut off and the craft flew off to the North West, leaving the area in complete darkness. The following day, they returned to Uppertown and visited Dry Hurst Farm. They noticed that all the produce had been dumped in the yard, as though the collector had quickly fled from something.
Darley Moor Grange
Once an old coaching inn where a crazed woman would lure travellers in before murdering them, Darley Moor Grange is now a private residence. In the mid 20th century, the property was The Quiet Woman Inn, and was infamous for spontaneous fires which ultimately led to the pub being badly damaged by fire in 1966. During its attempted reconstruction for the final time, the owner was living on site in a caravan. This also mysteriously caught fire and the project was abandoned.
Flash Lane
In the 1990s, a lady driving on the southern stretch of Flash Lane passed a headless woman, dressed in Victorian costume, riding a grey horse. The apparition did not appear in the rear view mirror. The same apparition was witnessed on several occasions by a woman living near Jaggers Lane.
Forty Acre Piece
This coniferous forest between Flash Lane and Darwin Forest Country Park is reputedly haunted. In September 2018, a boy riding his bike through the wood was frightened by stones that would suddenly appear and fly into his wheels from just off the path, yet when he ventured in to investigate there was no one there. Several people have also reported the distinct feeling of being watched at certain points within the forest.
Gladwin's Mark
A cottage at Gladwin's Mark is reported to be haunted by a former occupant, who was found hanging from the rafters in the 1970s.
Swinger Lane
In the 1950s, a man would deliver paraffin and other necessities to farms in the Uppertown area late at night. He would then park his van up on Swinger Lane for an hour and read the paper. On several occasions, he was alarmed to hear footsteps running around his van. The footsteps would suddenly go silent. Fearing his produce was being stolen, he jumped out with a torch but there was no one around.
A young girl witnessed a ball of light fly down the stack yard at one farm in Uppertown in the early 1950s. A few years later, whilst using the outside toilet during a snowstorm, two girls heard footsteps walking past the door. Frightened about the possibility of a burglar, they cautiously peered around the door, but there were no footsteps in the snow.
In the early 1980s, a family living at a different property in Uppertown would regularly awake to hear the cupboards being opened downstairs. Even locked cupboards would mysteriously open themselves when the family was sleeping upstairs.